SaferWorldbyDesign Webinars

Use of alternative skin models for animal-free safety and efficacy testing in dermatology research

Tuesday, 11 August 2020 - 16:00 CET

This virtual meeting will include a perspective by Hanan Osman-Ponchet (Founder & President, PKDERM) followed by a discussion session.

A set of alternative in vitro and ex vivo skin models can be used to evaluate the safety and efficacy of topical products. For example, 2D-cell culture derived from human skin can be used to evaluate anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, skin pigmentation, wound healing, or to predict skin sensitization of active molecules. On the other hand, 3D-human reconstructed skin models can be used to evaluate skin irritation (safety), skin sensitization (safety), or even anti-inflammatory properties (efficacy) of topical products. Excised human skin model, on the other hand, is used as the gold standard to evaluate dermal absorption, skin metabolism, and drug transporters, since dermal absorption data are of importance in toxicological risk assessment.

But what is the most appropriate skin model to be used for specific assessment of safety and efficacy in dermatology based on the development stage?

In this webinar, an overview of the in vitro alternative skin models will be presented with practical examples on the advantages and limitations of each model in safety and efficacy assessment, with a focus on dermal absorption and inflammation testing.

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